Point Bleep TV - Season 1: Episodes of a Discontent Life


A big thank you to everyone who has downloaded and hopefully enjoyed this game.

We are currently working on a much larger project that incorporates all of our itch.io games into one coherent game entitled,

Point Bleep TV - Season 1: Episodes of a Discontent Life.

Episodes of a Discontent Life is a peculiar game about peculiar people. You will play through five interactive episodes of hard hitting, thought provoking television. Each episode will look into the lives of 5 individuals discontent with life. Harold suffers in isolation. Carl's bitterness prevents him from finding love. Simon's life in sales is a daily misery and Marlo has a shark for a head.

You control how each unique episode plays out through point and click style gameplay with fun dialogue trees and puzzles. We hope to make you laugh, cry, re-evaluate you life and at some points sing!

The whole thing will be packaged as one evenings viewing on the Point Bleep TV network, complete with commercial breaks between shows.

Don't worry if you've already played the Ludum Dare versions as each game is being remade from the ground up. The characters and concepts are all that remain. Each game will be fully voiced and stick to a consistent cinematic style, well as cinematic as we can make with our minimal style.

We hope you come back to play Point Bleep TV - Season 1: Episodes of a Discontent Life when we are finished. Keep up to date on our website www.pointbleepstudios.net

Get Oh! You Monster!

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